How to Avoid the Christmas Bulge

It’s THAT time of the year once again!! Yes, it’s December – full of chocolate temptations, excessive food and never-ending Christmas parties. So much so that you start feeling you have drunk more alcohol than water over the course of the week! This all leads to that inevitable Christmas bulge. So, here are my top tips to avoid that post-Christmas bulge feeling and usher in the new year with plenty of energy, motivation and focus.

1. Start the day with proteins and vegetables.

Breakfast high in protein such as eggs, mackerel, salmon or meat should be eaten all-year round. Studies show that having a protein-rich breakfast helps to increase the rate at which we use up calories. Protein also releases a chemical in the brain called dopamine, which helps us stay alert. Consumption of protein and vegetables allows us to release insulin in smaller but more regular amounts, which is ideal for fat loss whilst helping us feel fuller for longer. So, when everyone else starts tucking into those chocolates, you are not so inclined to.

2. Limit alcohol damage with green tea.

If you drink more alcohol over the Christmas period than you want to or, more to the point, than your body can handle, then sipping green tea throughout the day will provide you with many quality antioxidants. It can minimise the negative effects of alcohol and help protect your liver, soothe hangovers and decrease fat gain.

3. Thinking of chocolate?

Let’s face it, for most, not eating any chocolate over the festive weeks is a little unrealistic. However, you can limit the damage by reaching for good quality dark chocolate such as Pacari Organic Raw Chocolate – 100% Cacao. It has less sugar and more antioxidants than its lighter, sweeter alternatives. You could also dip blueberries or strawberries in melted dark chocolate before freezing it for a tasty treat.

4. No excuse for workouts!

There is no excuse! Just take as little as 15 minutes out of your day for doing 30 seconds of sprints, followed by 90 seconds of rest. So, a total of 15 minutes and you will reap the rewards of feeling leaner and healthier.

5. Eat more vegetables.

Make vegetables something to enjoy! Try grilled asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, organic hummus with celery or sweet potato mash with cumin. Fill up on good quality nutrients and you will have more energy and less room for sugary snacks.

6. Stay hydrated.

Our muscles are made up of 75% water, while our brains have 80% in water content. They need regular replenishing to stay hydrated and function optimally, cognitively and physically.

7. Christmas afternoon naps.

Don’t be afraid to have an afternoon nap during the Christmas break. It’s an ideal time for you to take time out and feel regenerated and ready for the new year. Feeling tired usually leads to bad decision making, such as eating poor quality foods and processed snacks. So, enjoy a small power nap in the afternoon and aim for eight hours sleep every night.

Follow these simple tips to avoid the January blues and make sure you start the new year feeling lean, healthy and focused… Merry Christmas!!

Tom Winterbottom personal trainer Marylebone personal trainer Baker Street