Strip Belly Fat With Blueberries

 Today’s guest blog is presented by renowned nutritionist Jonny Bowden, author and weight loss coach. The post takes a look at the several nutritional benefits of blueberries, such as how they can help to strip body fat.

You’ve probably heard me rant and rave about blueberries. I eat them about six days a week. I even gave them a “star” in my book “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth“, and I’ve spoken at length about their high antioxidant content, low sugar content and ability to boost memory (in experiments conducted by Jim Joseph at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging).

Well, get ready for some hot news: Blueberries may also help banish belly fat.

A new study by researcher E. Mitchell Seymour, MS of the University of Michigan, shows that rats who ate a diet high in blueberries lost abdominal fat – the one linked to increased waist size and higher risk for diabetes and heart diseases. This happened even when the rats ate a high-fat diet. Remarkably, the blueberry-eating rats also had improved glucose control (in other words, their blood sugar was more stable).

The researchers suggest that blueberries, with their high antioxidant content, may somehow alter the way the body stores and processes sugar. I believe this is great news for those at risk for both heart disease and diabetes.

“Our findings in regard to blueberries reveal that the naturally occurring chemicals they contain, such as anthocyanins, show promise in mitigating these health conditions,” said researcher Steven Bolling, MD of the University of Michigan.

In a study presented at Experimental Biology 2009, rats were bred to make them obese. They were fed either a low-fat diet or a high-carb diet, both of which were enriched with whole blueberry powder (about 2% of their total caloric intake). After three months, the rats that were fed on blueberries had improved glucose control and better insulin sensitivity. These two factors are strongly related to lowering the risk for diabetes.

I find blueberries one of the easiest foods to incorporate into your diet. In season or not, you can always freeze them. I like to eat them right out of the freezer (mixed with frozen cherries). I put some FAGE Total 2% yogurt on them, sprinkle with some slivered almonds, flaked unsweetened coconut and some probiotic powder, and have them as a nightly “dessert”. It’s the ultimate “anti-aging” treat!”


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