There’s More to Interval Training Than Just Getting Lean

It’s a well-established fact that high intensity interval training is great for developing a lean physique. However, you may not know how its benefits extend to other issues, which are central to our health and longevity.

Interval training helps promote cardiovascular and lung health, lower systolic blood pressure levels and improve cholesterol levels, while increasing insulin sensitivity and blood sugar tolerance.

There have been many studies which show that regular high intensity training sessions such as sprint sessions can increase cognitive function and have a positive effect on managing depression. These sessions decrease inflammation in the brain and improve hormone balances. Your mood will be lifted due to the training’s ability to increase your energy levels and blood flow around the body and to the brain.

Interval training systems involve alternating between very intense activity and a period of active rest. One of my favorite protocols, especially for my intermediate clients, is the 30-20-10 system. You perform 5-minute intervals, in which you jog for 30 seconds, then accelerate to a moderate intensity for 20 seconds, and then complete an all-out sprint for 10 seconds before repeating.

If you want to increase the intensity, the ‘work to rest ratio’ can be manipulated. For example, sprint all out for 30 seconds and then complete 30 seconds of moderate intensity before repeating for 10 rounds. This gives you a 1 to 1 ratio of work to rest, which is much more demanding on the cardiovascular system.

Tom Winterbottom personal trainer St. John’s Wood personal trainer Marylebone