TW’s two top workout protocols for fat loss.

Losing weight can be a simple equation. Stick to a calorie deficit and you will lose weight   (I appreciate actually doing it is much harder than saying it). However, losing fat while maintaining or adding muscle tissue is definitely harder and takes the most effective nutrition and training protocols which have to be executed consistently for a given period of time. My TW transformation program is designed to achieve this. Building lean muscle tissue and decreasing body fat levels is the desired outcome to really change a clients physique while giving the client longevity to their results.

From my experience of being a personal trainer in Marylebone and working with many different clients, I have found that to significantly improve a clients body composition you have to firstly focus on their nutrition and secondly use training methods that elicit muscle growth while increasing energy expenditure during every session.

To do this, my advice is to focus on increasing the density of your sessions rather than just focusing on volume. Density just means doing more work within the session and resting less. This increases your metabolic rate during and after the session. It also induces fat mobilization and done correctly can promote muscle growth. Here are two of my favorite training protocols –

  1. Strength Metabolic Complexes –

This method is great for increasing intensity and density into your training which will help lead to fat loss while maintaining or even building lean muscle tissue. You choose 3 exercises and perform them as a tri-set (one after another with a prescribed rest period). All three exercises have to target the same muscle group.

The first circuit selected should be a big basic compound movement, used to build strength. Select a weight in which you hit 4 – 6 reps per set. The second exercise should focus on hypertrophy so select a load which enables you to hit a rep range of 8 – 12 reps. The third is a metabolic/plyometric exercise like Jump squats or KB swings. Select a weight that you can rep out for up to 60 seconds. Here are some examples –


Lower body (quad dominant)

1)Front squat 4 – 6 sets of 4 – 6 reps (rest 30 seconds)

2)Leg press 4 – 6 sets of 8 – 12 reps (Rest 30 seconds)

3)Sled push 4 – 6 sets of 40 meters (Rest 3 minutes before repeating)


Lower body (hip Dominant)

1)Sumo deadlift 4 – 6 sets of 4 – 6 reps (rest 30 seconds)

2)Leg curl 4 – 6 sets of 8 – 12 reps (Rest 30 seconds)

3)KB swings 4 – 6 sets of 30 reps (Rest 3 minutes before repeating)


Upper body (Push dominant)
1) Bench Press 4-6 sets of 4 – 6 reps (rest 30 seconds)

2) Incline Dumbbell Press 4 – 6 sets of 8 – 12 reps (Rest 30 seconds)

3) Battle Ropes 4 – 6 sets of 60 seconds (Rest 3 minutes before repeating).


Upper Body (Pull dominant)

1) Pull up (weighted if needed) 4-6 sets of 4 – 6 reps (rest 30 seconds)

2) Cable Seated Row 4 – 6 sets of 8 – 12 reps (Rest 30 seconds)

3) Rowing machine 4 – 6 sets of  200m sprints (Rest 3 minutes before repeating).



2. EMOM (Every minute on the minute)

The second method I like to implement in my programs is known as EMOM. This stands for ‘every minute on the minute” and refers to completing a set number of reps on a given exercise before resting for the remainder of the minute.

This 6-rep method is more focused on strength, so use about 70% of your maximum. Select big compound movements like deadlifts, front squats, pull-ups, and bench presses. Pair one upper body exercise with one lower body exercise.

You must start a new set every minute. On odd minutes you’ll do exercise 1 and on even minutes you do exercise 2. Example:

Start 6 reps Front squat.
1:00 6 reps bench press.
2:00 6 reps Front squat.
3:00 6 reps bench press.

Keep going for 14-20 minutes.
Your first option is to do a whole workout using only that approach. This means doing 2 such pairings in your workout for 14-20 minutes each. Start at 14 minutes and work your way up.

The second option is to do your regular lifting session and finish that workout with one EMOM pairing for 14-20 minutes. This would be your finisher to your session. Set a timer for 14 – 20 minutes and perform the first exercises listed below (DB thruster) for your prescribed rep range, in this example, 10 reps. Then rest for the remainder of that minute. Then begin the second exercise (burpees) for the prescribed number of reps before resting the remainder of the minute. Then move onto the third exercise (medicine ball slams) and complete the reps you have selected. Then again rest for the remainder of the minute before starting with DB thrusters again.

1)DB Thruster x 10 reps

Rest for the remainder of the minute

2)Burpees x 12 reps

Rest for the remainder of the minute.

3)Medicine ball slams x 15 reps

Rest for the remainder of the minute.


Tom Winterbottom personal trainer in Marylebone, personal trainer in St Johns Wood.