Eat Proteins for breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s a chance to kickstart your metabolism and brain function, and optimise satiety levels. Studies indicate that protein-rich breakfasts such as eggs or mackerel are the most effective way of feeling fuller for longer, which contradicts the misconception of eating carbohydrates because they provide a lot of energy.

Heather Leidy, an assistant professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri, conducted an experiment on the benefits of a high-protein diet. Leidy studied hunger sensations in those who ate a high-protein breakfast containing 35 to 40 g of protein compared to those who ate 18 g of protein per meal. She found that those who ate a high-protein breakfast reported feeling less hungry later in the day than those who did not. From these results, Leidy theorised that high-protein meals release ghrelin, a hunger hormone that increases your feelings of satiety and fullness.

It is true that carbohydrates sourced from cereals, breads and pastries provide high levels of energy. However, you will receive all this energy in one big dose. This rapidly raises blood sugar levels dramatically, increasing insulin, which then causes blood sugar level to drop sharply, making you feel lethargic, tired and hungry. When you have a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, your body is also more likely to store fat as you will not be able to use the energy released, having a negative effect on the body’s composition.

In comparison, protein-rich breakfasts are effective for fat loss and improved body composition because protein offers a more sustained and moderate rise in blood sugar levels, which means insulin is secreted in smaller amounts more regularly. As a result, you avoid the big insulin spike you would receive from eating simple carbohydrates such as cereals and you get a more steady supply of glucose to both the brain and muscles in order to stimulate cognitive function and muscle synthesis. A high-protein breakfast helps fuel your metabolism, which allows you to burn more calories throughout the day. However, if you choose to skip it,  you will be at a risk of becoming insulin-resistant, which is associated with type 2 diabetes!

So, if you want to improve your body composition and brain function, go for proteins! Studies show that consuming proteins first thing will help control blood sugar levels and insulin release, preventing hunger and muscle wastage, and increasing metabolism.

Tom Winterbottom personal trainer Marylebone personal trainer St John’s Wood.