Supplement with magnesium

Want to Strip Fat? Supplementing with Magnesium Can Help

Studies show that many of us are deficient in magnesium. But why should you care and what can you do about it? Well, if fat loss and/or muscle gain is your goal, then supplementing with magnesium is essenteial for optimising the hard work you put into the gym and receiving the results you’re aiming for. From working as a personal trainer in Marylenone I understand that many clients a deficient in certain vitamins and minerals.

Health issues of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heartbeat steady and supports a healthy immune system. A decline in magnesium levels is also linked with a risk of heart disease, sudden cardiac death, type 2 diabetes, bone density decreases and osteoporosis. It also affects the functionality of the body’s ability to properly utilise vitamin D, another major vitamin needed by the body. Due to the stresses of everyday life and poor nutrition, many people suffer from high blood pressure. Studies show that supplementing with higher levels of magnesium (around 500 mg a day) will significantly lower your blood pressure. It’s all natural and said to be more effective then blood pressure medications.

Effects of lack of magnesium on fat loss and lean muscle

The stress hormone called cortisol, which is responsible for storing fat around the stomach, can also be minimised by making sure you receive enough magnesium. This is due to the calming effect it has on the central nervous system. So, make sure you optimise fat burning by lowering cortisol, implementing a strength and conditioning program as the cornerstone of your workouts, and supplementing with magnesium. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels and is known to be involved in protein synthesis. It plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. It may influence the release and activity of insulin, which is a powerful hormone that helps to regulate blood glucose or sugar in the blood. The muscle needs magnesium in order to fully contract during exercise and in rebuilding stronger muscle tissues while fighting inflammation. Do not let a deficiency in magnesium hinder your progress in the gym. Studies show that if we do not have enough magnesium in our diet, we cannot maintain or increase our work capacity, in turn hindering our workouts and the overall results of our training programs.

Notes to take away with you

Make sure that when you supplement with magnesium, you avoid the multi-vitamin supplements where the content of magnesium will be of relatively poor quality as it’s usually bound to oxide. Instead, look for magnesium that is bound to glycinate, orotate, threonate, or fumarate, which will ensure proper absorption of the magnesium. I like to use Solgar Magnesium Citrate because the magnesium is easily absorbed into the body.

Many people overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy well-balanced diet. They tend to forget that without sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals, our bodies cannot function effectively, making fat loss and muscle gain much harder to attain. To ensure you get the magnesium required for aiding metabolism and calming your nervous system, opt for 500 mg along with what you already receive in your natural diet.


Tom Winterbottom, resonant trainer Marylebone, personl trainer Baker Street.