Zinc : Find out how supplementing with Zinc could help you.

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in many different biological functions of the body, right from cardiovascular health to improving body composition. Several studies have highlighted its immune-boosting qualities.

However, it offers much more than that. Research shows that zinc is so essential to our bodies that even a small deficiency can be detrimental to our health. In fact, zinc deficiency is ranked among the top 5 risk factors that could lead to diseases! Whether you are a regular person or an elite athlete, without adequate levels of zinc, you simply will not be able to function optimally. As a personal trainer in Marylebone and St John’s Wood, I provide individualised nutrition programs to my clients. I always include Zinc in the baseline supplement list. These are my 6 main benefits –

1. Who’s at the greatest risk from zinc deficienncy

As zinc is mainly found in some sea foods (oysters have the highest levels of all foods) and animal-based proteins such as red meat, vegetarians find it hard to attain recommended levels of the mineral, and hence are usually zinc deficient. Females who take birth control pills are also at greater risk of low zinc levels and would really benefit from using supplementation in order to make sure they are receiving everything they need. As we age, the need to counter-act inflammation, further support the immune system and maintain healthy cell function becomes vital. This is why older people also face a greater risk of zinc deficiencies.

2. The fight against cancer and immune-boosting qualities

Zinc is found in every tissue of the body and plays a crucial role in more then 300 enzymes. It has strong antioxidant properties with cancer-fighting benefits. Leading researchers have emphasised that consuming adequate zinc could help cure a number of the most severe health problems, especially cancer of most kinds and poor immune function. Its immune-boosting qualities come from its ability to boost T-cells, which are responsible for identifying and fighting off infections.

3. Improve your cardiovascular health and quality of life

Lower cholesterol levels and the risk of heart diseases by consuming zinc, which ensures your cardiovascular system functions properly. Zinc helps to enhance your cardiovascular health by improving the circulation. A deficiency of zinc could lead to the increased risks and implications of a high fat diet and heart disease.

4. Lower your body fat and risk of diabetes

In order to lose body fat optimally, eating less and exercising more may sound like a simple idea. However, this approach is completely wrong as its harmful to the body. It causes the key fat-burning hormones such leptin and ghrelin, which are essential for fat loss and long-term success, to stop functioning. Among other things, proper hormone function is essential for improving body composition, and this is where zinc is helpful, especially when it comes to insulin release (one of the most powerful hormones in the body). It helps out by binding to insulin, i.e. the level stored in the pancreas and released when glucose enters the blood stream is adequately maintained. It also improves the cell health and insulin sensitivity. On the flip side, if you have a zinc deficiency, there will be a decrease in insulin secretion from the pancreas and a reduction of insulin sensitivity, which can lead to diabetes.

5. Zinc’s magic antioxidants

We all need antioxidants to get rid of free radicals. Zinc has high levels of such antioxidants, which assist in removing the toxins that cause damage to our bodies and help in reducing the inflammation which are caused by these free radicals.

6. Improves brain function

Zinc is absolutely essential for proper brain function and health. It improves brain function by stimulating melatonin, in turn regulating dopamine. It also has a positive effect on the fatty acids within the brain membrane, which is vital for transporting nutrients to it.

The symptoms of a deficiency in zinc affect your taste, which leads to cravings for saltier and/or sweeter foods. Cravings for fattening foods would inevitably have a negative effect on our body composition. Other symptoms that you may experience from a lack of zinc include fatigue, low energy, low immunity, poor memory, infertility and nerve dysfunction. Supplementing with zinc indeed makes sense as it is essential to our well being. This is the reason why I too supplement with it and recommend it to my clients. I like to use Solgar Zinc Citrate because of the citrate included in this supplement, which helps to promote optimal absorption of the zinc.


Tom Winterbottom, personal trainer in Marylebone & St John’s Wood .